Child Custody
Custody for Child in Amarillo
Child custody is most always the primary concern in every divorce and custody case.
Child Custody Attorney in Amarillo
With extensive experience, Chip Parker, can help put your case in the best position possible to obtain your child custody goals.
Enforcement Attorney
Most everything about child custody, visitation, and child support can be enforced if one parent isn’t doing what they are supposed to do.
Grandparent Visitation Attorney in Amarillo
There is no such thing as grandparent rights. It doesn’t exist in Texas at all. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that grandparents do not have rights to a grandchild. As far as the law in concerned, that is very little difference between a grandparent and any other person who is not the child’s parent, but not all hope is lost for grandparents.
Child Support
Most all courts in Texas require the parties to a case to try to resolve the issues through mediation. Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution that allows the parties and their lawyer to meet with a mediator to try to work out some agreement. You could resolve some or maybe even all of the issues in your case.
Modification Attorney in Amarillo
After a divorce or after a child custody case, there are certain things that can later be changed. This is called a Modification. When children are involved, the court maintains jurisdiction to modify pretty much any order regarding the children. This includes orders for visitation, custody and child support.
Child Visitation Attorney In Amarillo
In every case involving children there will be court orders regarding when the child will be with each parent. Almost all court orders will include a provision that each parent will have possession of the child at all times mutually agreed to. In other words, you and the other parent can do whatever you want as long as you are both in agreement.